Tag Archives: big society

UK Volunteering Tsar Doesn’t Have Time to Volunteer

Lord Nat Wei, the British official charged with kick-starting volunteering in the U.K. and encouraging citizens to take over the delivery of a variety of community services, has found that volunteering to run this initiative three days a week is incompatible with “having a life”.

Like the USA federal and state governments, the U.K. government is hoping that its citizens will step up and volunteer their time in order to provide local services that local and federal governments no longer want to fund. Prime Minister David Cameron calls it the big society drive, and he wants volunteers to take over the staffing of post offices, libraries, transport services. He says that staffing these organizations with volunteers will empower individuals and give them a greater voice in their communities.

Cameron is right that involving volunteers in public sector organizations gives the community a greater voice in how those services are run – and that reason is why I encourage public sector organizations, not just nonprofits/NGOs, to involve volunteers. But as this case of the U.K. volunteering tsar illustrates, there are not large numbers of people who have the time to staff a public service on top of holding down a job and spending time with their families.

In addition, volunteers are not free: someone has to pay for their screening, training and ongoing support. There are organizations that are staffed primarily by volunteers, such as the American Red Cross and the Girl Scouts of the USA, but the required infrastructure to effectively support these volunteers is enormous – these volunteers don’t just magically show up and get the work done, without a tremendous amount of money and paid staff to support them. Even Wikimedia online volunteers aren’t free!

The Guardian story about the UK volunteering tsar has been flying around among my fellow volunteer management consultants with much commentary – we’ve had a tremendous good laugh over it. The irony of the situation has been delightful. We are all skeptical about government-promoted volunteering plans, in the U.K. or otherwise, having seen oh-so-many come and go, making missteps we try to warn them about. This is just the latest. Yes, we’re being smug. Don’t miss the comments on the story as well.

Also see:




Update: Martin Cowling has also blogged about this delicious story.