Monthly Archives: January 2023

For Your Volunteers, Is Help Just a Phone Call or Text Away?

Volunteers need support. Just like most humans, they cannot memorize an operations manual, they are going to be asked questions they don’t know the answer to, and no matter how benign you may think the roles and tasks for volunteers at your organization are, volunteers WILL sometimes face a situation where they need to talk to someone, immediately, for guidance. And if they don’t have that, they will feel frustrated, angry, even scared, and definitely unsupported.

Do volunteers at your organization know exactly who to call or text when they face a situation they don’t know how to handle, or when they are asked a question by a client that they don’t know the answer to, or when they are dealing with an angry client, or when they are feeling unsafe? And will that call or text get answered immediately?

Are volunteers encouraged to seek help in the aforementioned situations? How, beyond telling them in the volunteer orientation they should do so?

I believe very strongly that immediate support for volunteers should always be just a phone call or text message away.

Someone at your organization must be available to volunteers for consultation and direction throughout their service. That should go without saying. But I also believe that, for volunteers working with clients or the public in ANY capacity, immediate support for those volunteers should be just a phone call or text away.

For your volunteers, if they face any of the aforementioned scenarios: do they call or text the manager of volunteers? An employee that is the manager of the program they are participating in? A lead volunteer? A WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal or Slack group where they will get a response quickly?

And do you evaluate what you have told volunteers, to see if they are using it and getting the answers they need, and getting those answers quickly?

It is impossible to anticipate all problems. It is also not appropriate to have to have an immediate answer to every question – maybe things can wait for an email reply or for a regularly scheduled staff meeting to discuss them. But volunteers should know who they can call or text with a question they feel needs an immediate answer, or for a request for guidance in a situation they deem urgent.

It’s also a good idea to detail for volunteers exactly what you mean by urgent, as well as what an emergency situation is where they should call 911 first. Talk about possible scenarios together – don’t just issue a written memo.

And volunteers, if you are realizing you need more guidance, ask for it! Feel free to share this blog with those you work with at a nonprofit or government program and say, “I think we need this. Here are some things I’ve faced and I wish I’d had someone to call or text for guidance…”

Remember: the support of volunteers is THE key to retaining volunteers.

If you have benefited from this blog, my other blogs, or other parts of my web site and would like to support the time that went into researching information, developing material, preparing articles, updating pages, etc. (I receive no funding for this work), here is how you can help

Online spaces reflect your onsite vibes? What about vice versa?

Do your organization’s online spaces reflect its onsite vibe?

I have been volunteering for Red Cross blood drives. Often, these take place in fellowship halls of churches. One was remarkable to me: the space was full of welcoming symbols and social justice messaging. The message was: “We’re so happy you are here, no matter who you are.” Later looked at the church web site, and was stunned to see that the onsite messaging wasn’t similar – that welcoming feeling was not also there online.

Do your organization’s onsite spaces reflect what you do well online?

I’ve also seen the opposite: a web site full of images of people and messaging that make me think, wow, this organization really cares about people and really makes a difference. And really wants me to be a part of it! But onsite, when you enter, those images, or similar images, are no where to be found, the mission statement isn’t in big bold letters in the lobby, and the first employee or volunteer I encounter when I walk in doesn’t make me feel welcomed – I feel like I’m bothering the person by being there.

Potential and current clients, customers, donors and volunteers want to feel like you want them to be there, onsite or online. They want to feel welcomed. They want the space to be accessible. They want the doors to open easily and the web site to load quickly. They want to know where to find things in your lobby and on your web site.

No need to hire a consultant: just ask a friend to walk into your space to ask about volunteering. Ask another friend to go to your web site and look for information about volunteering. Ask more than one friends to do this. Ask them about the experience later. Did they feel encouraged? Enlightened? Discouraged? Confused?

Use the results to develop a strategy to improve both spaces, as needed.

In the case of your in-person, onsite space, it may mean reminding staff how to answer the phone or how to greet people when the come into your space. It may mean stopping by your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore and buying some picture frames and using them to display your mission, some photos from your program (clients or volunteers – but only if you have asked folks to sign a photo release!) and a QR Code allowing people to easily donate online using their cell phone. It may mean making sure someone in a wheel chair can easily enter your establishment, or someone using a walker can find a place to sit quickly in your lobby.

In the case of your online space… go over these resources with your web designer:

Your biases in screening volunteers

Years ago, I got a job out of the blue – an employee at a nonprofit had to be dismissed quickly and a replacement was needed immediately. There was no time for a usual recruitment process that included interviewing of several people – someone said I would be a good candidate and could start immediately, I got a call asking if I was interested, I got interviewed, I got the job and I began working – all within the span of maybe a week.

Months later, I found out that the Executive Director had not been happy at first when I was hired because she didn’t like how I dressed and, therefore, thought I wasn’t good at my job – which involved IT, and not any in-person interaction with the public or the high-profile Silicon Valley partners she collaborated with regularly. The office was very corporate: men in suits, women in business dress. I, on the other hand, was Silicon Valley casual long before it was the norm: I was neat, clean and quite presentable, but in comfortable clothes (I was very fond of flowy dresses and skirts in those days) and comfy shoes (never sandals, but also, never heels). She also didn’t like my hair: it’s clean, but it’s kind of all over the place a lot of time – unless I wear a head covering or cake it in product, that’s just how it is. However, she was very pleased with me once she saw my work and heard from my colleagues about my job performance. She ended up being a very enthusiastic professional reference for me for many years. But she said at one point to a colleague later, “I need to work on my assumptions about people based on how they dress.”

After hearing about that comment and spending a few days of feeling like I didn’t look very nice (I got over it), I ended up really appreciating that remark, because it meant I was being judged by the content of my work and my character, that she was learning that people who weren’t completely corporate could be more than competent and that she was willing to change her mind, something I always admire in people. But I’ve taken her comment to heart in my own interviews of candidates, not just with employees, but with volunteers as well. And not just about how people dress.

I know a lot of people who talk about the importance of “trusting your gut” when screening volunteers. But what if your gut is prejudiced? Let’s face it: we ALL have unconscious biases, at the very least, and if we aren’t constantly looking for those, and looking for ways to eliminate the possibility of them creeping into our decision-making, we’re going to miss out on some great volunteering candidates.

Unconscious bias can show up when we see and judge someone’s weight, or a certain brand of clothing they are wearing, or a hairstyle or hair color they are sporting. Or perhaps we’re judging them negatively because of hair loss. Or because of wrinkles on their face. Or perceived age. Or physical features. Or a regional accent.

It’s important to always be thinking about why you are saying no to a candidate for employment or volunteering, and having reasons that you feel confident in writing down on an evaluation sheet – and, potentially, having such read aloud in a civil suit.

Remember that just because someone doesn’t look like you or doesn’t look like someone you would socialize with, it shouldn’t exclude them from being a volunteer.

And on a side note: your program can certainly let applicants know, in your role description, that you have a dress code. But remember that there needs to be a rational basis for each dress code requirement, it must be applied in a consistent fashion, it should not obviously discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion and ethnicity and it should not overburden a particular group. For instance, requiring clean hands, faces and hair, and prohibiting shirts or pants with any words or graphics, prohibiting clothing that exposes legs above the knee or even the ankle, prohibiting torn clothes, prohibiting sandals, etc., can all be justified regarding safety and maintaining a neutral, positive image and culture in the workplace. Requiring people’s hair to be off the shoulders or even covered altogether for safety reasons can be appropriate, but having one rule for men and another for women can get you into legal trouble. And note the many reasons that the US Army had to change its hair policies for women.

If your reaction to all this is “I have no unconscious biases regarding people,” I would like to remind you that denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Today is Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Day in the USA – an excellent day to own up to the reality that we all have unconscious biases that we should all work on, as well as that there are profound social inequities in the world that are long overdue to be addressed.

Also see:

If you have benefited from this blog, my other blogs, or other parts of my web site and would like to support the time that went into researching information, developing material, preparing articles, updating pages, etc. (I receive no funding for this work), here is how you can help

Volunteer engagement could help address negativity that rose in recent years.

I’m a fan of The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. The Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of human well-being. It uses these science-based studies to promote skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. I find it a wonderful pushback to the pseudo-science that too many people are falling for. I follow the Center on social media and encourage you to do so as well.

In the end-of-year article The Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2022, the center highlights what it considers the most provocative and influential findings published during this past year. The entire article is excellent, but this part of the article stood out to me in particular, and I hope you will consider what this could mean regarding volunteer engagement:

In a September paper published in PLoS ONE, a team of researchers studied more than 7,000 U.S. adults whose “Big Five” personality traits had been monitored from 2014 onward.

Observing people over time, the researchers didn’t find significant changes in personality through the start of the pandemic. But then, as time wore on into 2021 and 2022, personalities did in fact start to shift:

  • Extraversion: We became less likely to seek out company and enjoy time with others;
  • Openness: We lost capacity to seek out novelty and engage with new ideas;
  • Agreeableness: Sympathy and kindness declined, affecting our ability to get along with others;
  • Conscientiousness: We became less motivated to pursue goals and accept responsibilities.

Another study published just this month by Biological Psychiatry combined mental health assessments with brain scans of 163 adolescents, before the pandemic and then two years later. The results are startling: “Youth assessed after the pandemic shutdowns had more severe internalizing mental health problems, reduced cortical thickness, larger hippocampal and amygdala volume, and more advanced brain age.”

Yes, these studies document negative changes—but if personalities can shift in that direction in so short a time, they can shift in positive directions, too. 

I think that, in the USA, the political situation also has greatly affected our capabilities at civility, and not in a good way. I think these personality shifts are real – but not entirely the fault of the pandemic.

Could more volunteer engagement help address these negative personality shifts? Do these personality shifts explain, in part, why so many organizations have experienced a drop in volunteer engagement? I say yes to both, and call on funders, especially corporations, to invest in volunteer management at nonprofits to help increase the number of volunteers across the USA. Here’s what funding volunteer engagement looks like.

This isn’t the first time I’ve said increased volunteer engagement could help address a negative trend in our society: I also believe that volunteering can help to build community cohesion. But none of this is going to happen without vast increases as funding for volunteer management.

If you have benefited from this blog or other parts of my web site and would like to support the time that went into developing material, researching information, preparing articles, updating pages, etc., here is how you can help.

Also see:

Most popular blogs of 2022


We’ve celebrated another trip around the sun, and that means it’s time to look at what were my most popular blogs of 2022 – and to try to figure out why. It’s an exercise I do not so much for YOU, my readers, but for me. It’s the kind of self-analysis every nonprofit, NGO, government agency, or consultant for such should do.

There are eight blogs here that had enough readers (clicks) to qualify for being “popular”, in my opinion. And here they are.

Nine plus four emerging volunteer engagement trends (a VERY different list than you will read elsewhere) is not only the most popular blog I wrote in 2022, it is also in the top 20 of the most popular blogs I have EVER written. I was really surprised at how many people retweeted it.

The key to retaining volunteers. Another blog that got a LOT of retweets. It’s worth noting that Twitter has always been the most popular driver of people to my blogs – way more than Facebook or LinkedIn. That’s why I can’t quit it… yet.

What funding volunteer engagement looks like. A really popular blog – but I thought it would be even more so.

Seen a drop in volunteers? Quit blaming the pandemic & fix the problems. This blog struck quite a nerve, based on retweets.

How are you supporting the mental health needs of your volunteers? This blog, published in July 2022, saw a surge in popularity late in the year. Not sure why – I can’t see that someone has reposted it. But thank you to whoever did so.

How to connect & engage with volunteers remotely – even when those volunteers work onsite. More and more nonprofits are realizing that the Internet is an essential tool for supporting ALL volunteers, including those that you see onsite most of the time.

Either be committed to quality or quit involving volunteers. A blog I worked on for months and based on SO many conversations with nonprofits, schools and community programs that recruit volunteers, as well as my own experience trying to volunteer.

When IT staff isn’t providing proper support for volunteer engagement. Another blog I drafted over months. I’ve wanted to write it for years. I wish IT staff wasn’t an obstacle for managers of volunteers but, sadly, too often they are.

A couple of months, I’ve been blogging every other week, rather than every week. I’ve had a lot of other projects going on that need my energy and time, and cutting back on blogging let me do those other projects too. But for the first four months of 2023 at least, I’ll be back to blogging every week for a while, because those other projects have given me OH so much more to say! Let’s see how long that lasts.

Happy 2023! Hope yours is off to a great start.

If you have benefited from any of my blogs or other parts of my web site and would like to support the time that went into researching information, developing material, preparing articles, updating pages, etc. (I receive no funding for this work), here is how you can help.

cover of Virtual Volunteering book with hands raising up various Internet connected devices

Also, I have exactly 18 copies of The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook. And when they are gone, they are gone – as in, you will have to pay a LOT more by ordering them from Amazon. If you want to learn how to leverage online tools to communicate with and support volunteers, whether those volunteers are mostly online (virtual volunteering) or they provide service mostly onsite at your organization, and to dig deep into the factors for success in supporting online volunteers and keeping virtual volunteering a worthwhile endeavor for everyone involved, you will not find a more detailed guide anywhere than The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook. It’s based on many years of experience, from a variety of organizations. It’s available both as a traditional print publication and as a digital book.