Daily Archives: 7 March 2022

Not-Good Reasons to Volunteer Abroad

I’ve made a list of the most common reasons I see for people wanting to volunteer abroad. And the most common reasons are NOT good reasons. And in this list, I note why they are not good reasons.

I also note that most of the reasons in that list are, in fact, appropriate reasons to volunteer locally, in your own community or region, and why that is.

I also address on this page the pushback comment I often get when I make such a list: “Oh, then volunteering abroad should be ONLY for the privileged?!?”

This list is within the section of my site that’s focused on people who volunteer, or want to volunteer, whether locally or abroad. People that want to volunteer are not my usual audience, but I am still not seeing clear, accurate information for this audience, including from organizations claiming to promote volunteerism.

Why am I doing this? Because

  • I’m tired of seeing volunteering, locally or abroad, that’s more focused on volunteers and their feelings and personal needs and ambitions than on the people and communities to be served.
  • I really do want volunteers to help, not hurt.  

There are lots of links on the page about how to approach volunteering abroad ethically, and where to find credible programs, as well as links to all of my posts against unethical voluntourism, vanity volunteering, etc.

And if you disagree with what I’ve written, by all means, comment below (but please read the ENTIRE page first), or write your own blog or web page and then contact me and let me know the link. I’d like to read your thoughts.

If you have benefited from this blog or other parts of my web site and would like to support the time that went into researching information, developing material, preparing articles, updating pages, etc. (I receive no funding for this work), here is how you can help.