Boycott Kage Games

Until the staff at Kage Games realizes and states that their video game “Dog Wars” promotes dog fighting, and they pull the game entirely, destroying every copy of such and promising to NEVER release the game, please boycott Kage Games, and tell your friends to do the same. I’m not linking to the company’s web site, but it’s easy to find online if you really want to see it for yourself: the Web sites features an illustration of a pit bull with a bloody muzzle next to the “Dog Wars” logo.

“Dog Wars” instructs players on how to condition a dog using methods that are actually used in organized dog fighting. This game not only encourages users to not be disgusted by dog fighting (instead, to delight in the pain and suffering of such) – it is a virtual training ground for would-be dog fighters!

Defenders have said the game is no worse than video games that allow users to shoot other people or engage in illegal behavior, like stealing cars. For the record: I’m disgusted by those games as well. If I had kids, I would NOT let them play such, and I do not allow such software on my computer or under my roof. But following that defense – why doesn’t Kage Games create a software called “Child Sex Trade”? Players could trick virtual parents into giving up their virtual daughters for “a better life” abroad, or trick virtual young girls into thinking they are accepting restaurant jobs in other countries, and then take the virtual girls’ passports and force them into a virtual sex trade, with players getting points with how many virtual girls they entrap, how many men their girls have sex with in a day, etc. I’m sure that will go over REALLY well, Kage Games, and you can use the same defense you are using now – it’s just a game!

Kage Games, it’s time for you to do the right thing: dump “Dog Wars”, delete it, and apologize for ever thinking this was a good idea. And take a hard look at your software developers who thought this was a good idea – many serial killers start off as animal abusers. How did these guys know so much about how to train dogs to fight? How do they know SO MUCH about dog fighting? What a scary workplace you must have…

Dog Fighting is making a comeback in a big way in the U.S. 16,000 dogs killed each year in organized dog fights and that number continues to grow. It is a growing problem in every state in the USA. Report anything you hear about dog fighting in your area to the police (and if you think the police might be in on it, call your STATE police), and read more at the Humane Society web site about what they are doing to stop this barbaric practice and what you can do to help. And blog about this issue as well and then let Kage Games now you have done so! You will get a pathetic automated email response.

2 thoughts on “Boycott Kage Games

  1. Ruth

    Even worse, after all the complaints Kage Games (‘spit’ – may karma come & get them have now re-named & re-released the game – link below is to a petition against this

  2. Mozart

    The Kage Game company, like all unethical, greedy, morally bankrupt & soulless entities, come up with excuses to excuse their despicable product for the almighty dollar. The vile miscreants who work for this company & those who own it could care less that this game promotes future abuse & torture of dogs. They could care less that it influences young minds to become heartless, sadistic monsters. As long as there’s a dollar to be made anything goes.I’m a big time gamer & will spread the word to my friends & on every gaming board to boycott this disgusting company. How do they sleep at night? Oh yeah, gutless, unethical punks like them don’t have a soul. Never mind


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