The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has partnered with Cottage Lane Productions to develop a new episode of the volunteer firefighter recruitment series Ride With Us. The series takes prospective volunteers into a firehouse to show them, as much as a video can, what it’s like to be a volunteer firefighter. These can be used by any fire station as a part of its own recruitment and onboarding of volunteer firefighters and first responders.
View the PSAs, including the new episode, here.
You can also download them from Vimeo to incorporate into your department’s recruitment initiatives.
You can watch additional episodes of Ride With Us on the NVFC’s Make Me A Firefighter web site.
My other blogs and resources regarding volunteer firefighters and first responders:
- How to counter the ongoing drop in volunteer firefighter numbers.
- Brilliant volunteer firefighter recruitment video from Germany.
- Volunteers needed, but are they wanted?
- Making certain volunteers feel unwelcomed because of your language
- pro vs. volunteer firefighters
- Fire station turns away volunteers – & how it could be different
- Great reasons to involve LOCAL volunteer firefighters.
- why you can’t find/keep volunteer firefighters.
- pro vs. volunteer firefighters.
- International Association of Fire Fighters is anti-volunteer.
- New online resources to help recruit volunteer firefighters.

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