I’m a Reddit user, and in addition to being a part of a LOT of Reddit communities, I also moderate four subreddits, as a volunteer: one regarding volunteerism, one regarding inclusion, a subreddit to discuss community service, and the TechSoup subreddit. I’ve also joined a LOT of Reddit communities and spend way too much time reading them (and sometimes commenting).
So I was one of many reddit users that got a customized slide show “year in review” that Reddit sends to users (community members). And it’s a super fun way to recognize program participants.
Among the slides is one that shows that, in 2021, I scrolled the length of 35,495 bananas lying end-to-end:

There’s also a slide showing my most popular post in 2021 – it was to a subreddit I don’t frequent, the one for Portland, Oregon, and was how volunteers were urgently needed at cooling stations set up to help people deal with our 116 degree days (it got 218 “up votes”):

There was also a slide that showed how many hours I spent in 2021 in various subreddits – yes, I really did spend 123 hours, at LEAST, in the volunteers subreddit. The TwoXriders subreddit noted is for women motorcyclists, in case you were wondering, and the Malicious Compliance subreddit – that you will have to check out yourself:

There’s also a slide showing how many new communities I joined in 2021, how many user awards I got, and how many karma points (as Reddit calls it, fake Internet points) I got (pictured below):

What a fun way to recognize participation! Good ideas for honoring program participants and volunteers as well.
And note: they never said, “Your volunteering hours were the equivalent of this much money!” Because that’s a really, really bad idea.
Also see:
- Why aren’t you reaching out to young people via Reddit?
- The Nonprofit & NGO Guide to Using Reddit.
- Reddit controversy is a lesson in working with volunteers.
- Contributing to online communities can help you professionally.
- Online Culture, Civility & Communities: Realities & Benefits of Connecting Volunteers (& all humans) Online
- teaching a course for Gratz College: MGT 553 Using Technology to Build Community and Grow Your Organization.

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