On one of the many online communities I’m on, one for people interested in serving as Peace Corps members, someone wrote about wanting to serve but also wanting to know what resources there would be “given the unfortunate, yet seemingly inevitable, traumatic experiences” a volunteer is probably going to face.
One of the responses was particularly excellent:
I want to challenge one point: trauma is not inevitable. It’s a dangerous framing to prospective service and sets up a self-fulfilling prophecy. Service is stressful, but it is not always traumatic.
I really liked this response, and the rest of it. I see a lot of people who want to work or volunteer abroad, in developing or post-conflict countries, in humanitarian initiatives, and they say things implying that the worst trauma-inducing events – assault, theft, sexual exploitation, life-altering injury, intense hostility from locals, witnessing violence or extreme, dire poverty – is inevitable.
None of that is inevitable in working or volunteering abroad in humanitarian efforts. It’s not inevitable working or volunteering in your own country. Could any of those circumstances happen to you? Yes – abroad or at home. Does any of that happen? Yes – abroad or at home. But none of it is inevitable.
I do believe in being prepared for The Worst – at home or abroad. It’s why, on the section of my web site about travel, I talk about always having a plan: what would you do if faced with the absolute worst circumstances, and the aftermath, while abroad? Do you know exactly who should call and where you should go if you are in danger or have experienced trauma? As someone who has frequently traveled abroad to not-so-stable countries, I have plans, even for being kidnapped, and have discussed them with loved ones. The likelihood of ever needing to employ those plans is small, but it gives me comfort to know I have a plan.
What’s much more likely when serving abroad: feelings of loneliness and isolation. Feeling that you don’t have an outlet or escape to take a mental health break. I had an Afghan colleague say, “It must be so hard for you here. I have my family to go home to each night. You have nothing.” It was a gut punch because it was true! It was one of the reasons I started going to a coffee shop frequented by expats every Friday: I was spending WAY too much time alone outside of work hours.
What is also much more common is a feeling of helplessness or disillusionment with your service. Realizing that one person really can’t change the world, and that your work may not actually transform the lives of anyone significantly, is not just humbling, it can make you question everything you think about yourself, the work of humanitarians, and, well, all of humanity. It’s a reality check many people that want to work or volunteer abroad aren’t prepared for.
As noted by that aforementioned Reddit poster:
Peace Corps volunteers have to be resilient and develop those self-management tools during service. That is a fundamental requirement when living remotely with limited resources.
This is true of anyone that wants to serve away from home, and especially in another country, even one that is quite peaceful and stable.
The best thing to do is discover and train your resilience today: Learn coping mechanisms. Develop healthy habits. Be disciplined with your time. Learn to accept what you cannot change and be content with what you can. Set boundaries. Exercise. Learn to maintain a positive attitude. Be selfless. Arguably, this is the most important thing. Service is going to be a path you’ll have to walk alone. It is demanding and mentally challenging, but you have to be strong.
And I second all of this! If you really want to be effective working or volunteering abroad in humanitarian contexts, you can’t assume you have these skills; you have to take a hard look at yourself and how you cope now with stress, strife, frustrations and, indeed, trauma.
Also see:
- Being emotionally ready to volunteer – or to continue volunteering
- How are you supporting the mental health needs of your volunteers?
- Volunteering to help your own mental health.

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