Verified is a United Nations initiative to encourage people to check the validity of news, advice and information before sharing it. Verified is looking for “Information Volunteers” to sign up to receive a daily Verified briefing and then to share the fact-based advice and information with their networks.
You’re engaging right now in the biggest project of social collaboration the world has seen. Bigger than the moon landing, than the Olympics, than the building of the tallest skyscraper or longest bridge. Billions of people are working together – the doctor on the other side of the country. The parent homeschooling their child. The scientist working on the vaccine. The nurse working around the clock. You, reading this. Working towards one common goal: to look after each other.
In this crisis, sharing trusted and verified information will help keep everyone safe, while misinformation can put lives in danger. If you want to make sure the content you’re sharing helps the world, sign up to receive Verified content, and always look out for the Verified tick.
We’re doing this for each other – for everyone on the biggest team the world has ever seen.
The initiative is available in a variety of languages:
- Verificado es una iniciativa de Naciones Unidas.
- Lancée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies.
- Verified est une initiative qui vise à fournir des contenus fiables
- Verified é uma iniciativa das Nações Unidas
- Verified ni hatua ya Umoja wa Mataifa inayolenga kupunguza habari zisizoaminika kwa kutoa habari unazoweza kuamini
- Information in Arabic
- Information in Chinese
- Information in Russian
- Information in Hindi
This is in addition to the UN’s main virtual volunteering initiative, the UN’s Online Volunteering Service.
Yup, I’ve signed up!
Also see:
Thanks for sharing this Jayne! I signed up too…