Share a resource, ask a question, or offer your own thoughts about any of these hot topics relating to nonprofits, NGOs, libraries, schools and other community-focused initiatives over on the TechSoup Global Community Forum. Here are four threads on TechSoup that I’m watching in particular:
- What nonprofit or NGO-related technology conferences are worth going to? Post any such conferences you will be attending here (doesn’t have to be just in the USA!)
- There are online resources in languages other than English regarding volunteers and technology – resources re: using technology to engage and involve volunteers, and resources re: how volunteers are using technology. Some are listed here – but do you know of more?
- Volunteers updating your blog – appropriate? Have your say.
- Share a news story or article about how computer/handheld/networking technology is being used to mobilize volunteers or engage online volunteers in support of relief efforts in Japan (or any other disaster zone), or how such tech is being used by volunteers as a part of relief efforts.
Tags: communications, public relations, engagement, engage, community, nonprofit, NGO, not-for-profit, government, library, libraries, school, schools, outreach, innovation, non-traditional, innovative, staff, employees, volunteers, civil society, social media, technology, microblogging, microvolunteering, micro, volunteer, volunteering