Comments/Discussions for the Coyote Communications Web Site
There is a link at the bottom of many of the Coyote Communications / CoyoteBroad web pages that brings you to this page that you are reading now. This is where you can submit a comment on what you have read on my web site (as opposed to my blog). Some people may prefer commenting in this way instead of emailing me directly, and some people might want to start a discussion about a particular topic, which I welcome (as long as it’s constructive). You can be anonymous as long as you are respectful and I don’t think you are a troll.
Note that if you post a comment here:
- Your comment will not immediately appear. I will review it and, if I deem it appropriate, I’ll publish it here. If I don’t, I won’t.
- I may also publish your on my web site or blog, or otherwise publish it.
Thanks for taking the time to comment about my web site.
Dear Jayne:
I found delightful your paper “Basic Fund-Raising for Small NGOs/Civil Society In the Developing World”. I just read it all; the 40 pages, as you warned the reader. I founded it extremely useful too. Gracias for your work.
Sorry if my writing is not proper as English is not my native tongue.
Saludos from Costa Rica. Víctor Naranjo
Saludos, Victor! I’m so delighted by this message – thank you! I would love to know more about your organization! You can share here or email me at jayne “at”!