The most comprehensive, detailed resource
available regarding using the Internet to support and engage
volunteers. Information about introducing virtual volunteering
(and how to recognize that it's probably already happening at
your nonprofit, school, library, community group, etc.),
adjustments needed in policies and procedures, safety
considerations, quality control, ensuring confidentiality,
recruiting for diversity, and more. There's an entire chapter
devoted to direct service roles and activities, where online
volunteers mentor, tutor or counsel clients. Time-tested and packed with case studies from various
initiatives - this book represents more than 20 years of
research and experience.
- United
Nations Tech4Good / ICT4D Initiatives, a list of
the various United Nations initiatives that have been
launched since 2000 to promote the use of computers, feature
phones, smart phones and various networked devices in
development and humanitarian activities, to promote digital
literacy and equitable access to the "information society,"
and to bridge the digital divide. My goal in creating this
page is to help researchers, as well as to remind current UN
initiatives that much work regarding ICT4D has been done by
various UN employees, consultants and volunteers for more
than 15 years (and perhaps longer?).
- United Nations
Technology Service (UNITeS), a global volunteer
initiative, was created by Kofi Annan in 2000. UNITeS both
supported volunteers applying information and communications
technologies for development (ICT4D) and promoted
volunteerism as a fundamental element of successful ICT4D
initiatives. It was administered by the UN Volunteers
program, part of UNDP, and during the tenure of UNITeS, the
UNV program helped place and/or support more than 300
volunteers applying ICT4D in more than 50 developing
countries, including 28 Least Developed Countries (LDC),
making it one of the largest volunteering in ICT4D
initiatives. Part of the UNITeS mandate was to try to track
all of the various tech volunteering initiatives and
encourage them to share their best practices and challenges
with each other. UNITeS was discontinued as an active
program in 2005.
- What Was NetAid?
A history of the NetAid initiative, part of which became the
UN's Online Volunteering service. This is what I was
referring to specifically with all that name-dropping at the
start of this blog.
- Lessons from Some key learnings from
directing the UN's Online Volunteering service from February
2001 to February 2005, when I directed the initiative,
including support materials for those using the service to
host online volunteers. This material, most of which I
authored, was recently removed from the latest version of
the service.
- Tech Volunteer Groups /
ICT4D Volunteers A list of tech volunteering
initiatives, some defunct, some still going strong, that
recruit tech experts to volunteer their time support either
local nonprofit organizations or NGOs in developing
countries regarding computer hardware, software and Internet
tech-related tasks.
web page, or comment on it, here.
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Free Resources: Technology Tips for Non-Techies
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Free Resources: For people & groups that want
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