NOTE: This question did not become a part of the online application until Fall of 1998.

Do you know how to use Web search engines and, if so, which ones do you use regularly?

  1. ___
  2. ___
  3. ___
  4. ___
  5. ___
  6. ___
  7. ___
  8. ___
  9. ___
  10. ___
  11. ___
  12. DogPile AltaVista MetaFind, etc.
  13. I am most comfortable with Yahoo!
  14. Yahoo!, Altavista, Excite, Infoseek, and HotBot.
  15. Yahoo, altavista, fundersonline (NGO's -, webcrawler, ask jeeves.
  16. Yahoo, Alta Vista, Excite, Webcrawler, AOL netfind, Lycos, Infoseek, and HotBot.
  17. ___
  18., webcrawler, inference, hotbot, altavista, deja news,
  19. ___
  20. ___
  21. ___
  22. Webcrawler, Yahoo, Excite and the Web Ferret.
  23. Yahoo, Alta Vista, and Lycos
  24. I use Excite through AOL, but now how to access Yahoo.
  25. ___
  26. Infoseek and Altavista.
  27. ___
  28. Infoseek, Yahoo, or Lycos. Sometimes I use Alta Vista
  29. ___
  30. Yes: Yahoo, Excite, AltaVista
  31. Excite, Yahoo, AOL, Netscape, Hotbot
  32. I just click on the Netscape Navigator SEARCH button, which bring's me to Netscape's search engine. That's how I found you.
  33. ___
  34. Infoseek, Yahoo
  35. ___
  36. mostly HotBot and AltaVista (but I prefer robot-based search engines)
  37. no
  38. ___
  39. ___
  40. Yahoo, infoseek
  41. Alta Vista & Yahoo mainly
  42. mostly AOL netfind....also YAHOO
  43. I especially like InfoSeek but will use Lycos or Excite if needed
  44. I regularly use Infoseek, Lycos, Hotbot, Webcrawler, Yahoo, Altavista, and Excite.
  45. lycos,yahoo, etc
  46. Yahoo!, Lycos, Excite
  47. Excite, AltaVista, Webcrawler, HotBot
  48. Search, yahoo etc...
  49. Yahoo, Alta Vista
  50. Excite and Yahoo more regularly.
  51. Lycos, Alta Vista, Infoseek.
  52. Metacrawler, Excite, Hotbot
  53. yahoo, infoseek, goto, altavista
  54. Yahoo, InfoSeek, Lycos, Altavisata
  55. yahoo,webcrawler,
  56. Altavista
  57. Search, Excite, Lycos, Dogpile, Infoseek, AltaVista, Hotbot & AskJeeves
  58. Yahoo, Excite, etc.
  59. I have used a few different ones but right now mostly aol netfind
  60. yahoo, infoseek, altavista, hotbot

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