NOTE: This question did not become a part of the online application until Fall of 1998.

Do you have any other skills or experience that you hope to use or expand through a virtual assignment?

  1. ___
  2. ___
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  28. ___
  29. ___
  30. ___
  31. ___
  32. I'd like to help people who want to start a business, especially on the internet.
  33. ___
  34. Java/Networking TTCP/IP etc
  35. ___
  36. I also know Java and am just starting to get into XML.
  37. I am famailiar with several word processing programs: Word 6.0, WordPerfect 6.0. I also know data entry, and proofreading.
  38. ___
  39. ___
  40. ___
  41. Good people skills
  42. the compilation, analysis and interpretation of data. I am sure there's more but this is all I can think of right now
  43. I use frontpage 98 for web design. I would like to learn to use active server protocol (asp) for database connectivity
  44. ___
  45. knowledge of resources, disability, degree in Social Work
  46. Just my people skills
  47. Some skill in desktop publishing/design, and maybe I can work on my HTML skills as well.
  48. Word 7.0 Windows 95. Rumba/Sap
  49. 3D graphics skills, programming, teaching, project management
  50. ___
  51. C language, Pascal, Basic.
  52. ___
  53. graphics arts and design, Spanish translation, writing skills
  54. I hope to enhance my web-design and scripting skills, as well as my communication skills
  55. I want to learn everything
  56. writing, graphics
  57. ___
  58. I have been learning Spanish for 3 years and I'm fluent in Chinese.
  59. I have participated in many chat area, I use the computer for word processing and have quite a bit of experience on the computer. I would love to learn how to create web pages
  60. i can program in basic, can type 90 wpm

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