Why should you trust the information on this web page?

Do not ask me for help to immigrate or to study abroad

I cannot help you immigrate from the country you are in to another country, including the USA.

Do not write me for help. Do not write me for advice. Do not write me for money.

Do not write me seeking a sponsor / sponsorship. I will not sponsor you, I will not help you find a sponsor.

Do not write me seeking financial help. I will not give you any money.

Any country you want to immigrate to has information on how to get a visa to visit or live in the country. Look at that information on the OFFICIAL web site.

Make sure any information you are looking at online about immigration comes from the OFFICIAL web site of the country; there are a LOT of for-profit companies that have immigration information and you should not trust it without verifying the information on the OFFICIAL web site of the country.

Do not believe anything anyone who is not a registered, credible lawyer tells you - not your Mom, your brother, your neighbor, no one - not unless you can verifying it on the information on the OFFICIAL web site of the country.

A family member living in another country is NOT automatically well-informed about immigration. Do not believe everything they tell you about how to immigrate - verify everything they say on the OFFICIAL web site of the country.

There are NOT strangers in the USA or Canada or Australia or wherever you want to go who are willing to spend thousands of dollars on complete strangers who want to emigrate or to study internationally, or just people who need/want money. Stop looking for them. 

Here is a link to UNHCR Services for refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless people.

Below this graphic is information for those that hope to get a scholarship to study abroad at a university.

Below is an old graphic originally published in 2008 of what the immigration process is like for people that want to come to the USA. It's old, but still mostly accurate.

an image that shows
        how difficult it is to get into the USA as a legal immigrant
If you make it to another country as a refugee or asylum seeker, your journey is NOT over. Some refugees and those granted asylum will tell you that things got HARDER for them and their families once they made it to another country. Please see this advice for refugees and asylum seekers already living in another country.

Also see How to Try to Work Abroad & Not Get Scammed.

If you want to get a scholarship to study abroad at a university:

I'm sorry I cannot help you with any other advice or action. What's on this page is all I can do. Please do NOT write me for anything else.