I endorse the following Web sites as the BEST Internet-based resources for mission-based organizations (non-profits, non-governmental organizations/NGOs, civil society, public sector agencies). The following were chosen to be listed here as the "best", in my opinion, because they are all or most of the following
The resources below are not only the ones that stand out -- I use them frequently myself.
This is not a comprehensive list. It's a subjective list, based entirely on my opinion.
Many, many links to other suggested sites are also included within the my web site's other pages. But remember -- no one site can list every valuable link on a subject as broad as nonprofits. Also, what I find valuable, you may find too basic; and what you find valuable may not be relevant to my own experience. Finding the information you need most means researching sites yourself . And, finally as mentioned earlier, you have to READ the information (or, in some cases, listen to it):
Management Library
This extensive web site includes excellent information from
nonprofit professionals all over the U.S.A. on:
and much more! Whatever you are looking for relating to nonprofits, look here first. Compiled by Carter McNamara.
Effectiveness Series
The National Minority AIDS
Council offers a series
of free manuals in PDF ready to download. They include
manuals on board development, fiscal management, grant writing,
human resources, leadership development, needs assessment,
volunteer involvement, strategic planning, surviving an audit
and more. There are 14
"Organizational Effectiveness Series" manuals in all. You
have to register for a user account, but registration is free.
Community Forum
An online discussion group to discuss issues related to
computers, smart phones, software, social media, digital
engagement, tech4good, tech-related policies and more as used by
and at nonprofits, NGOs, government agencies, libraries, schools
or any other mission-based organization. Great place to ask or
answer questions relating to tech in some way.
for Justice Resources & Publications
Provides high-quality resources and trainings to ensure that all
nonprofit organizations in the USA understand how they can
engage in advocacy activities with greater efficiency and
entirely within legal limits and more aggressively.
A series of checklists that can help you identify strengths and
weaknesses in your agency's governance (board), human resources
(including volunteer management), planning, financial
activities, fund raising and legal protection.
Foundation Center
This site offers an overview of the not-for-profit funding
process, including a proposal-writing course, a directory of
libraries and resources by region, a philanthropy news digest,
funding trends and analyses, and a page of links to
corporate grant makers and private foundations, some with
downloadable grant guidelines and applications. It also
includes information for organizations outside the USA.
Gateway Network
Links to charity-related Web pages maintained by various USA
federal agencies and departments. Users may search more than
3,000 federal Web pages, as well as federal grant announcements
and information about federal volunteer programs and how to
comply with laws pertaining to nonprofit organizations. As of
November 1999, it was a rather jumbled compilation, but I'm so
thrilled to the government doing this that I'm giving them an
"A" for effort, with high hopes that this site will get better
in the coming months.
Jayne Cravens - Coyote
Communications / CoyoteBroad Web Site
The web site you are reading now: An ever-increasing number of
free materials to help mission-based organizations with a
variety of issues.
To know when I have developed a new
resource related to the above subjects, found a great
resource by someone else, published
blog or a new Tech4Impact email newsletter,
uploaded a new
or to when & where I'm training or presenting, use
of the following social media apps to follow me on any
these social media platforms:
Disclaimer: No guarantee of accuracy or suitability is
made by
the poster/distributor of the materials on this web site.
This material is provided as is, with no expressed or
warranty or liability.
See my web site's privacy policy.
Permission is granted to copy, present and/or distribute a limited amount of material from my web site without charge if the information is kept intact and without alteration, and is credited to:
Otherwise, please contact me for permission to reprint, present or distribute these materials (for instance, in a class or book or online event for which you intend to charge).
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