Answers to the following questions:
- How did you recruit the volunteers you involve(d) via the
- How did you screen/orient the volunteers you involve(d) via the
- How do you supervise and recognize/reward online volunteers for
their contributions?
- Have you ever surveyed these online volunteers about their
experiences with your organization?
- Earthwatch Institute
- Word of mouth, mailings to volunteers returning from field projects.
- We start with 4,000 volunteers who've returned from 2 weeks helping a field scientist, and those recruit known friends and colleagues to work with them, us.
- We do an annual award at our annual meeting at Harvard's Science Center. frequent, informal, by phone and email.
- not formally
- Pennsylvania American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- through chain of contacts (who knows whom); through our print monthly newsletter with notice of open meeting.
- FTF meetings. Accepted any-all! volunteers(!) are so valuable and so few we took all offers, and sorted the quality/applicability as we went along.
- Supervise thru emails. Recognize thru listing names and roles on credit web page, mention in print monthly journal, thru buying lunch for FTF mtgs. sometimes.
- No
- New Jersey Online:Community Connection
- They have done it on their own because they are so happy with the opportunity we have offered them.
- They have done it on their own because they are so happy with the opportunity we have offered them.
- In the New Year we will be sponsoring a contest which will reward and recognize volunteers.
- Yes, we have.
- Spiritual Gifts Ministries, Inc
- Through volunteer matching services.
- They simply visited our website to receive information concerning the services we provide. Based on the information they were interested in helping us to raise monetary funds.
- We haven't decided.
- No
- Shoreline Education for Awareness
- First, the professor originally helped us in person by conducting classes to train our volunteers. When I needed confirmatin of biological facts, I sent questions by e-mail and she answered.
Secondly, a regular visitor at one of the viewpoints where we do wildlife interpretation agreed to ask her friend in Mexico to help us.
- Not/applicable
- Requests are made via e-mail and answers returned the same way. Both are given by-lines and thanks in the brochures.
- No. Both have expressed thanks for the opportunity to participate in public information.
- Harambee Christian Family Center
- Yes. We have an email list of 500 people to complement our print mailing list of 2,600.
- Most of these volunteers live locally. We just have them come to our office, fill out an application, then have an interview.
- Uh, uh, uh, meet with them in person and explain to them the importance of their work.
- No
- Safeguarding Our Children-United Mothers (SOC-UM)
- All internet surfers.
- Police check from their local community. We have two level of volunteers.
- Online meetings, email exchange, volunteer of the month
- No
- Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- online, through our webpage and through related email lists.
- They usually tell us what they'd like to do, they try it and if there was a problem we'd not have them do that again, but have not run into any such issues.
The only thing we do make sure of is that they understand that our group has no other political or religious affiliations, so if they are using CCADP name in any contacts with media, letters etc, to keep those issues out of it.
- Posting on our pages their names, thanking them with cards and emails. Supervise-everything goes through us first.
- No
- YouthOrg UK
- Email and the website. Also press articles.
- Interview by email and phone. I make suggestion on what part of the website or newsletter they wish to do. What they wish to do is up to them as long as it falls within the aims of the organization.
- Through public acknowledgement on the web site and in the newsletter. Through personal thanks.
- No
- Healthy Communities
- They have come to us through networking activities to plan the development of our organization.
- Informal feedback from those seeing their work.
- We have not done so.
- No
- Aspartame Survivors International
- email them to help with projects in their community.
- Each person is asked what their skills are and they take assignments accordingly.
- Private emails and little gifts.
- No
- Journal of international Wildlife Law & Policy
- Through
- Ask for cover letters outlining relevant experience and reasons for interest in volunteering as well as a CV.
- Monitor work, provide suggestions. We will recognize the volunteer's work on the web site.
- No, but plan to do so at the conclusion of this phase of the project.
- AIAPaCOTE-Pennsylvania chapter of the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment
- Through personal contacts, phone calls, notices in print journals, emails.
- We do screen for interest in issues, through word of mouth and reputation.
- None yet...We did have one f2f meeting, attended by about half the group.
- No, no surveys done yet. I am very very interested in using websurveys, though. As a FileMaker afficiando and a user of Allentown PA software developer's Chena Software's 'InfoDepot' I am capable of assessing survey results very quickly and cheaply.
- Martin Memorial Health Systems, Inc.
- No response
- No response
- No response
- No response
- Gay Men's Health
- Through an electronic application from via our web site. The application form was based on one on your web site-thank you!
- This is such a new area and I felt a little vulnerable so I actually interviewed them face to face as I do other new volunteers. I know this defeats the purpose if some one is housebound or unable to get to the city but I'm unsure of a further solution. Any ideas?
- I email weekly and also chat via telephone. They are thanked verbally-none have yet received our certificate we give. I have said that a reward will be a private chat room for all volunteers and that is what they are setting up next. I think this will also be a good 'recriutment' tool-become involved and get the password to the chat room.
- No-but we plan to in September using another volunteer (not a virtual one) so they can be honest about their experiences.
- Cyberspace seniors/InterAge cyberPals Classroom Project
- Many of them belong to Cyberspace Seniors and/or Savvy Seniors, two Lists that I volunteer manage on the Internet. Requests for volunteers have been sent to Lists for teachers, computer organizations, etc. In addition, information about groups have appeared in magazines and newspapers after I sent out press releases. Many
present IACP adult volunteers often recommend the program to their friends.
- All volunteers fill out a participation form that is carefully evaluated before anyone is accepted as an adult CyberPal. All inquires receive an e-mail response that includes guidelines. when a person is accepted, he/she receives a Handbook spelling out the responsibilites in being a CyberPAl.
The quality of the volunteers is very high with most having at least a BA with good percentage with Masters Degree and PhDs. The volunteers include retired and active teachers, active and retired professors, executives, etc. Since we use a curriculum based program, IACP attracts adults who are interested in furthering the education of students rather than corresponding.
- The adult volunteers in IACP feel their greatest reward in seeing improvement in the writing and language skills of their student.
I send weekly e-mail reports to the adults and also manage a discussion roster (not a List) in which the adults express their thoughts about the Programs successes and failures. I keep in close touch with the adults to make sure they understand how important their contributions are in the lives of these students, some of whom come from rather sad environments.
- Yes, that is how I learned which classrooms were succeding and which ones were failing or succeding in accomplishing the goals of IACP
- People Who Net
- Announcements on email discussion lists and Usenet news groups.
- Self-selection they respond to invitation, say what their skills are, what they would like to do. We do none of the other tasks, allow the person and the task to grow together or not.
- We have an e-mail list for the volunteer administrators. I am generous with on-list appreciations and encourage volunteers to appreciate each other.
- Yes. We just published an online rating form.
- IAM & The All One Foundation
- No response
- No response
- No response
- No response
- Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
- We are a web-based organization, a non-profit Internet startup, and all of our members and families first met on the Internet, so doing the volunteer thing on the Internet just makes sense to us.
- We are working on this now. We are about to "go public" (launch an interactive web site) and want to have made these decisions shortly.
- Supervise=Right now we don't have any formal procedures
Reward=Again, no formal procedures, although we have discovered that sending flowers (on-line order, of course) produces big results so plan to put a line in our budget for this!
- No
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