This page contains responses to the agency survey for December 12, 1997.

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December 12, 1997

Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network
Organization Name
Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network
Organization City
San Jose
Organization's Geographic Service Area
Silicon Valley
Number of full-time and part-time employees (paid staff)
Respondent's Name
Jayne Cravens
Respondent's Position
Internal Communications Manager (former)
Organization's Web Site Address
Respondent's Role in Working with Volunteers at Organization
I recruited and managed all volunteers working virtually. I also developed the opportunities for these volunteers, and reported their progress to my supervisor.
How did you hear about this Project?
no response
What other staff have involved volunteers virtually at your organization?
Director of Operations
Affiliate Executive Directors
Approximately how many of your online volunteers provide technical assistance to your staff or to other volunteers?
Please describe the kinds of activities these technical assistance volunteers provide to your organization:
While at JV, volunteers helped us research and develop material for our Web site. They created pages that linked to resources that would be of interest to each of our affiliate members (which ranged from education-focused to improving the business climate).
Approximately how many of your volunteers provide direct support to clients / recipients of service via the Internet?
no response
Please describe the kinds of volunteer activities these direct contact volunteers provide to your organization:
no response
How did you recruit the volunteers you involve(d) via the Internet?
Sent announcement flyers via snail mail to career centers at all local colleges and universities, and posted on Virtual Valley and Mercury Center (AOL), two local bulletin boards
How did you screen/orient the volunteers you involve(d) via the Internet?
Ask for resumes, did an onsite interview and, sometimes, called references.
How do you supervise and recognize/reward online volunteers for their contributions?
Created a web site that named them and thanked them.
Have you ever surveyed these online volunteers about their experiences with your organization?
What factors in your organization have promoted the success of your virtual volunteering program?
Getting buyin from my supervisor to work with "unseen" volunteers was crucial. He insisted they come in for one on-site meeting so he could "see" they were real. I also required weekly updates on their projects via email, and made sure my supervisor saw their completed work.
What factors in your organization have impeded the success of your virtual volunteering program?
Other staff don't think these people are "real" because they don't see them; they also aren't involved in our org's Internet activities, so they don't really see that online activities and virtual volunteer management is actually "work."
Please add any other comments you would like to send to us:
I was at Joint Venture from Feb. 1995 - April 1996

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