3. SmartGrrls
2 onsite volunteers, 200 online volunteers
Onsite tasks: Curriculum development, office/clerical
Online tasks: act as online mentors, code for website
Success factors: we try, whenever possible to involve volunteers in a
mixture of on and offline volunteering activities. We often find
that folks who start out online, become interested in moving to
on-site or event opportunities.
Impeding factors: We must always be very careful about the kind of
online opprtunities we offer. Tasks must be very specific and
usually rather short.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV
4. San Jose Children's Musical Theater
100+ onsite volunteers/month, 2-4 online volunteers
Onsite tasks: Various backstage theatrical tasks, child supervision,
clerical help.
Online tasks: Researching grant and PR/media opportunities,
translation, website proofing, search engine registration
Success factors: Getting staff buy-in, frequent emails to volunteers
Impeding factors: Inconsistent online work load, staff reluctance
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
6. Arizona Pioneer Home Volunteers Association, Inc.
25-35 onsite volunteers, 3-10 online volunteers
Onsite tasks: Write letters for residents, attend and assist in
recreational activities, serve in the dining room, help maintain
facility library, provide entertainment for holidays and special
events, and more.
Online tasks: Research funding sources, proofread web site regularly,
search for appropriate links to expand visibility, translate web site
to Spanish, update volunteer job descriptions, inform online
community calendars of upcoming activities, and more.
Success factors: Getting staff buy-in and communication. Showing
results of virtual volunteers' work. Publicizing virtual volunteers'
work at volunteer meetings through reporting accomplishments in
writing to board and on-site membership.
Impeding factors: Lack of technically skilled on-site volunteers to
followup. Shortage of physical space for technical training and
demonstrations. Consistency in organization management.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
7. Sidelines National Support Network ( www.sidelines.org )
5000+ onsite volunteers in chapter in the US, 220+ online volunteers
Onsite tasks :They support women phone during their high-risk
pregnancy. Help with chapter duties like newsletter, parent packs,
lending library, training sessions.
Online tasks: They support women via email and online chats during
their high-risk pregnancy. They also assist with database entry,
being chat moderators, help with web page modifications and info on
our website.
Success factors: Our website! It brings in 15 to 20 new online
volunteers each month.
Our national office seeing that online volunteering is the wave of
the future for our organization.
Our volunteer's only area of our website. It has orientation info,
and resources for our online volunteers.
The internet and the ability to manage volunteers and online
coordiantors --with out long distance phone charges.
Impeding factors: Not much really. The only problem we have on
occasion is having fraudulent prospective online volunteers filling
out applicaitons.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
8. Boulder Community Network (BCN)
5 onsite volunteers, 190 online volunteers
Onsite tasks: Databsse, office help
Online tasks: Web site development for nonprofits, technical assitance
to area nonprofits, maintain information centers on our database,
work on specific grant projects for BCN including Virtual Chautauqua
connecting k-12 rural youth with performing artists via the internet, streaming audio & video and building an interatcive virtual
performing artist museum teachers will be able to build unique lesson
plans/ tours for their classess. And the project is BASIN Boulder
Area Sustainability Information Network collects different data
streams about the Boulder watershed and building a web site to make
this information accessible and meaningful to the public. Past and
continuing projects include pubblic access computing sites in the
community and help to peopl to find a job using the internet Virtual
volunteers within our geographic region take on all task associated
with these projects. Monthly face to face meetings pull in about
1/3rd of these volunteers at any one time tihe other!
s are self directed and communicate and work online.
Success factors: Volunteer skill level and motivation. Project needs to
be chanllening and have a recognizable community benefit
Impeding factors: Lack of the ability to have one to one contact
communication with volunteers out side the geographic region. Even
one face to face meeting helps communication and teamwork amongst
online volunteers.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
10. drkoop.com
No onsite volunteers, 100+ online volunteers
Online tasks: Their primary activity is to host online support groups
in the form of weekly chats. Some of them also monitor message boards
on particular health conditions, answer user questions, and
occasionally send out emails or newsletters to their users.
Success factors: The main thing we've done that I think has contributed
to our success is employed the tireless energy of the volunteer
managers to constantly keep up with the volunteers and encourage and
support them.
Impeding factors: I think that the problem of email communication has
been somewhat of an impediment to our success - as you know, it can
be difficult to communicate effectively via e-mail and
misunderstandings can occur.
Not profiled, doesn't subscribe.
14. Oregon Literacy, Inc.
2 onsite volunters, 8 online volunteers
Onsite tasks: One provides general and comprehensive office support --
from filing & copying to management of small projects. The other is
compiling old records into a comprehensive history of our
Online tasks: (4 occasionally come in to the office, but work primarily
at their own homes)
(1 volunteer) designed and is currently updating a database for
the statewide literacy hotline that we run, which has expanded to
becoming a larger database of literacy providers, trainers, tutors,
and other contacts.
(1 volunteer) Analyzing and preparing results of a needs
assessment survey conducted by our organization.
(1 volunteer) Writing fact sheets using a) materials we have
provided, and b) filling in the gaps by on-line research
(4 volunteers) Web work. Design, content, etc.
(1 volunteer) Phoning new readers who have called for help, this
new reader provides support, advice, and reassurance.
Success factors: We only have 2 staff, so buy-in is easy! We do
not have on-site orientations for most. Policies &
procedures are still in process. But the
project/Jayne has very much trained me in how to
orient and support volunteers, how to successfully
The project experience has helped me structure my
"email orientations" so that I don't ask too many
questions at once, and still screen people appropriately.
Impeding factors: My lack of experience, but that's passing with time....
Lack of time to devote solely to the recruitment and
support of volunteers is certainly a challenge, but
also not a unique one!
Since I think the program has been very successful,
I can't think of anything that has impeded that success.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
15. The Evergreen State Society
No onsite volunteers, 5 online volunteers
Online tasks: Editing and reviewing the nonprofit FAQ. Supplying
materials for inclusion in the FAQ.
Impeding factors:The editing tools have been slow to mature and
difficult for the volunteers to use.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
16. Glaucoma Research Foundation
20 onsite volunteers, 40 online volunteers
Onsite tasks: Office- clerical, mailing, computer
Online tasks: approximately 40 off site volunteers have email, most not
referred through VV. We have over 100 off site volunteers in total-
not all are online.
They all do: Education (putting up posters, giving information to eye
care professionals) support (providing email and phone support to
people with glaucoma).
Success factors: maintining regular email and or phone contact.
Having clear projects with deadlines.
Impeding factors: lack of policies and procedures specific for VV-
now VV are categorized as off-site volunteers
when there should be some distinction.
time restraints.
Profiled. Subscribes to VV.
17. Royal National Institute for the Blind
Thousands of onsite volunteers, no online volunteers
Onsite tasks: Fundraising, Mentoring, Befriending, Technical support for PC and talking book users, Braille transcription
Not profiled. Subscribes to VV.