What factors in your organization have impeded the success of your virtual
volunteering program? (staff reluctance to work with "unseen" volunteers,
lack of pre-planning, etc.)
2. staff reluctance to work with "unseen" volunteers, lack of pre-planning, etc.
3. No Response
4. No Response
5. very little response thus far
6. As explaiend above, it's hard to really assess what a person can do when you van't meet with them in person and have an indepth conversation.
7. Matching interests.
8. Lack ofon-line formal application - perhaps
9. Time! We have received such a tremendous response, that nearly a quarter of my paid time since the beginning of the year has been spent working on this wonderful problem of too many volunteers.
10. No Response
11. It took a while to get these volunteers.
12. few visitors in the chat room
13. No Response
14. We have not been able to think up any jobs that a virtual volunteer could do.
15. I dont take much time to focus on the volunteering. But I'm slowly getting better at it.
16. nothing so far
17. No Response
18. Lack of volunteers
19. N/A
20. Lack of pre-planning. Didn't know whether I'd really get volunteers.
21. Lack of knowledge regarding the types of organizations etc. that would be interested, the types of paperwork involved, inviting format for volunteer request letters, etc.
22. Hard to get materials back and forth - and finding a good time to work together. Responses are slowed by email
23. we have had no problems yet
24. Lack of experience working with online volunteers on the part of volunteer manager.
25. My lack of time to respond personally to each volunteer other than via email.
26. No Response
27. It's difficult to know whether someone hasn't written you back because they're no longer interested or because they're unavailable.
28. No Response
29. Barriers include: funding, time, planning, and coordination.
30. No Response
31. No Response
32. No Response
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