How many of these respondants are currently working on an online assignment,
or, have completed an online assignment for you?
2. none
3. one
4. No Response
5. none
6. No one. I DID have one person complte an assignment on-line -- but we met in person after the initial e-mail connection -- and she went in person to tLK WITH THE PEOPle WHO WERE THE INFO SOURCES -- then she wrote up the info into an article, e-mailed it to me, and I revised it, etc.
7. currently 5.
8. 0
9. None yet. The application process in underway with the 24 virtual pen pal volunteers. Several virtual office support volunteers are in regular communication with me and are preparing to begin the projects.
10. None.
11. Three. One of them is a Graphics class at the Oklahoma College.
12. three
13. 1
14. only one, with one other still a possibility
15. 2
16. One
17. No Response
18. zero
19. I honestly do not know. Most of the individuals do not put Impactonline as how they heard of our program. They only put internet- but we also have a website so it is not clear.
20. none so far, hoping for two to start within two weeks
21. N/A
22. 1
23. None. Our virtual assignment begins October 1999
24. none
25. 3
26. none - just started dialog with one person who responded.
27. 0
28. No Response
29. N/A
30. 0
31. 6
32. No Response
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