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Part of Using Instant Messaging to Work With Volunteers: Benefits and Suggestions
Guidelines for effective ICQ meetings
Ruby Sinreich - May 6, 1998
Tips for participating in and facilitating meetings with ICQ.
P a r t i c i p a n t s :
- Try chatting and messaging at least one day before the meeting starts.
- After you have installed the software, you can practice chatting and messaging with me.
- Add me to your contact list by clicking on the "ICQ" button and choosing "Add/Find Users", entering my ID (3415144) where it says "ICQ#," and select Search.
- Double-click my name to add me to your Contact List. I have told ICQ to require that I approve such additions so it will ask you for a reason to be added. Mention NCexChange so I'll know I should approve my addition to your Contact List. I will add you to my Contact List at the same time.
- Add others to your list by choosing "Add/Find Users" again and searching for their name, e-mail address, or ICQ#.
- If you have materials (or just thoughts) to share with the group, send them out by e-mail or ICQ in advance so the other participants can have it in front of them while discussing.
- To send a message:
- Make sure that you have added the person you wish to contact to your Contact List.
- Right-click on the icon next to the Nickname and choose "Message."
- Compose your message and click "Send."
- To initiate an individual chat:
- Make sure that you have added the person you wish to contact to your Contact List.
- Right-click on the icon next to the Nickname and choose "ICQ Chat."
- Enter the reason or topic and click "Chat." If the person accepts, a chat window will open automatically.
- To join a group discussion:
- Make sure that you have added the ID of the meeting facilitator or the chat room to your contact list.
- Look for the icon next to the facilitator/chat room's ID to display a smile, this indicates the person or room is ready for discussion.
- Right-click on the smiling flower and choose "ICQ Chat," you will be added to the discussion.
- In a group discussion:
- For a discussion with more than one or two other people, you will find that IRC helps you follow the multiple voices. Once the chat window opens and you see the participants, chose IRC Style from the Layout menu. If you do not choose this option, each participant will show up in his or her own box.
- In IRC style, you will see people's comments in a large window, a list of the participants on the right, and your comments as you type them on the bottom of the window. Your comments will not be added until you hit 'Enter' on your keyboard. (You cannot edit text on this line, use the backspace key to delete your comments before you post them.)
- You can change the background and font colors and the font face by using the buttons at the top of the chat window or the Display menu.
- Remember that you are in a meeting. Leaving the chat window without closing it will show other users that you have stepped away but are still keeping up with the conversation.
F a c i l i t a t o r s :
- Make sure everyone has chatted and messaged before.
- Use a 'chat room' for large discussions, this seems to be more stable than peer-to-peer groups.
- Clarify ground rules before the conversation begins.
- Always have an agenda, and use it to give a clear opening and closing to a topic.
- Begin the meeting with introductions, explaining the agenda, and answering technical questions. Post the ground rules for the session.
- Ask participants not to raise new issues in the middle of an unfinished topic.
- Make sure people are familiar with the lingo:
- Summarize the discussion when concluding a topic/agenda item
- Use messaging (not the group chat) to discuss individual matters
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