End of Impact Online about us page.
And here is the text from the above screen capture:
using the INTERNET for social change ...
You're reading this because you care about the world and the
people in it. You want to help make it a better place.
Impact Online will help you turn your concerns into actions
by connecting you with information about social issues, and
linking you with organizations that are doing something
about them. You can participate by volunteering at a
nonprofit organization in your own community, or by being a
virtual volunteer over the internet. Which ever it is, go
out and do it!
1. Explore the issues.
2. Find out who's changing the world.
3. Join in the effort and volunteer.
While you're here, take a look at the what's new page.
Search our site for things that interest you. And review the
results of the first extensive survey on the use of the
Internet for enabling community service. If you are involved
in a nonprofit organization that's interested in getting
online, or being part of our internet community here at
Impact Online, check out our nonprofit resources and drop us
a line.
Some of the things learned through Impact Online are cited in
this publication:
The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook
for purchase as a paperback & an ebook
from Energize,
Completely revised and updated, &
includes lots more advice about microvolunteering!
Published January 2014.
about Impact Online
Also see:
- United
Nations ICT4D Initiatives
Various United Nations offices have
launched initiatives to promote the use of computers,
feature phones, smart phones and various networked
devices in development and humanitarian activities, to
promote digital literacy and equitable access to the
"information society," and to bridge the digital divide.
This web page is my effort to track UN Tech4Good / ICT4D
programs, from the oldest through 2016. My goal is to
primarily to help researchers, as well as to remind
current UN initiatives that much work regarding ICT4D
has been done by various UN employees, consultants and
volunteers for more than 15 years (and perhaps longer?).
- Studies and Research
Regarding Online Volunteering / Virtual Volunteering
While there is a plethora of articles and information
about online volunteering, there has been very little
research published regarding the subject. This is a
compilation of publicly-available research regarding
online volunteering, and a list of suggested possible
angles for researching online volunteering. New
contributions to this page are welcomed, including
regarding online mentoring programs.
- Incorporating virtual
volunteering into a corporate employee volunteer
program (a resource for businesses / for-profit
Virtual volunteering - volunteers providing service via a
computer, smart phone, tablet or other networked advice -
presents a great opportunity for companies to expand their
employee philanthropic offerings. Through virtual
volunteering, some employees will choose to help
organizations online that they are already helping onsite.
Other employees who are unable to volunteer onsite at a
nonprofit or school will choose to volunteer online
because of the convenience.
- Al Gore Campaign Pioneered Virtual
Back in 2000, when Al Gore ran for president, his campaign
championed virtual volunteering by recruiting online
volunteers to help online with his election efforts. I've
tried to present some of what his campaign did - this
pioneering effort deserves to be remembered, as do some of
the lessons from such.
- Using Third Party Web Sites
& Volunteer Matching Apps to Recruit Volunteers
There are lots and lots of web sites out there to help
your organization recruit volunteers. You don't have to
use them all, but you do need to make sure you use them correctly
in order to get the maximum response to your posts.
Quick Links
my home
consulting services & my workshops
& presentations
credentials & expertise
Affirmation that this web site is
created & managed by a human.
My book: The
Last Virtual
Volunteering Guidebook
contact me
or see my
Free Resources: Community Outreach, With & Without Tech
Free Resources: On
Community Engagement, Volunteering & Volunteerism
Free Resources: Technology
Tips for Non-Techies
Free Resources:
Nonprofit, NGO & other mission-based management resources
Free Resources: Web
Development, Maintenance, Marketing for non-Web designers
Free Resources: Corporate
philanthropy / social responsibility programs
Free Resources: For people
& groups that want to volunteer
linking to
or from my web site
Coyote Helps Foundation
me on
social media (follow me, like me, put me in a circle,
subscribe to my newsletter)
how to
support my work
To know when I have developed a new
resource related to the above subjects, found a great
resource by someone else, published
new blog,
uploaded a new
or to when & where I'm training or presenting, use any
of the following social media apps to follow me on any of
these social media platforms:

Disclaimer: No guarantee of accuracy or suitability is made by
the poster/distributor of the materials on this web site.
This material is provided as is, with no expressed or implied
warranty or liability.
See my web site's privacy
Permission is granted to copy, present and/or distribute a limited
amount of material from my web site without charge if
the information is kept intact and without alteration, and is
credited to:
Otherwise, please contact me
for permission to reprint, present or distribute these materials
(for instance, in a class or book or online event for which you
intend to charge).
The art work and material on
this site was created and is copyrighted 1996-2025
by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved
(unless noted otherwise, or the art comes from a link to
another web site).